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Sicilian Naturalistic Bibliography

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The Sicilian Naturalistic Bibliography constitutes an attempt to collect all the publications containing information on the geology, fauna and flora of Sicily, which appeared in the form of a volume or a scientific journal article. This mainly includes publications of local, provincial or regional interest, but also of national interest, as long as they are informative on Sicily. This collection does not include the popular periodical press and "gray literature". Where possible, links are provided to access publications in electronic format.





Sicilian Amphipodological Bibliography

(edited by S. Lo Brutto & D. Iaciofano - Italian Network Amphipodologists) in progress


Sicilian Gastropoda Bibliography

(edited by R. Viviano) in progress


Sicilian Araneae Bibliography

(edited by A. Dentici) in progress


Sicilian Odonata Bibliography

(edited by S. Surdo) in progress


Sicilian Orthoptera Bibliography

(edited by B. Massa) in progress


Sicilian Neuropterida (Neuroptera & Raphidioptera) Bibliography

(edited by S. Surdo) in progress


Sicilian Plecoptera Bibliography

(edited by S. Surdo) in progress


Sicilian Coleoptera Bibliography

(edited by C. Muscarella) in progress



Sicilian Ornithological Bibliography

(edited by S. Surdo, B. Massa & T. Puma) in progress


Sicilian Mammalia Bibliography

(edited by M. Sarà) in progress



Numero di accessi a partire dal 14 aprile 2011


© Società Siciliana Scienze Naturali – 2020

made by AREA srl maintained by S. Surdo